Sunday, June 24, 2007

Model Search America Discovery MaShae Inspires

Hi Leah here:

MaShae is a wonderful inspiration.

Here's her story:

I attended Model Search America in April 2006 and received 11 callbacks.. I followed up with every agency but I stayed independent for a while until I felt comfortable with an agency. After Model Search America, I took the first step of pursuing an acting career.....I moved to Los Angeles and have been busting my ass ever since.

*I was featured in Fall Out Boy Music Video "This ain't a scene, it's an arms Race"
*I was featured in Red Hot Chili Peppers Music Video "Hump de Bump"
*Commercial for Washington Mutual
*Commercial for Papa Johns
*I was in a commercial for Dove for The Megan Mullally Show
*I was featured in "Girlfriends"
*I was featured in "All of Us"
*I will appear in the upcoming film "Rush Hour 3"
*I am currently working on an untitled film, James Cameron, Director.

And I have upcoming projects as well and working on quite a few as we speak.


It takes a lot of hard work and dedication and many kids out there don't really know the real meaning of dedication......some of them think it's all about wanting it and that's it.......but that's not it........It takes some blood, sweat, and tears and sometimes falling down on your ass, but it certainly pays off in the end. And it doesn't happen over night. It's an awesome feeling to have a casting director call you up and say "you got the part" after 3 or 4 or more callbacks.

Thank you so much Leah

MaShae A